

Amazon Dams Network awarded a UF Biodiversity Institute seed grant

By | March 12th, 2017|Amazon, biodiversity|

The newly created UF Biodiversity Institute (UFBI) awarded a Faculty Interdisciplinary Seed Grant to a joint effort by UF faculty, students and Brazilian collaborators of the Amazon Dams Network (Rede Barragens Amazônicas -ADN/RBA), hosted in the Tropical Conservation and Development Program (TCD) in the Center for Latin American Studies, in partnership with the UF Levin [...]

TBS Camera project is now more than a decade old

By | March 15th, 2016|Amazon, biodiversity, camera, research|

Beginning in 2005, John Blake and I initiated a camera project at the Tiputini Biodiversity Station with then station manager Jaime Guerra and USFQ professor and station co-directors David Romo and Kelly Swing.  With the help of the "tigres", the guys that work at the station, cameras were deployed along the 30+ km of trails [...]

Heading back to the Amazon

By | December 24th, 2015|Amazon, biodiversity, Bolivia, camera, Ecuador, research|

Winter break means field work!  On my way back to Yasuni Biosphere Reserve today for another field season in the Ecuadorian Amazon.  This is year 16 for our project on population dynamics of tropical birds, with a special emphasis on manakins.  This field trip I will find out if "old red" a 19+ yr old [...]

Rodrigo Medellin visits lab, TCD, and UF

By | October 24th, 2015|bats, biodiversity, conservation|

Rodrigo Medellin, international renowned conservation biologist and professor at UNAM-Mexico visited the University of Florida where he gave an inspiring talk about his work in Mexico to a packed house in Newins-Ziegler Wildlife Ecology and Conservation department. Rodrigo was instrumental in getting the bat houses established near Lake Alice while a graduate student at UF [...]

Conserving biodiversity in palm plantations

By | August 22nd, 2014|biodiversity, development, ecology, graduate students, Peru, tropical|

Near Tarapoto, Peru, a private company is clearing rain forests to establish a heart-of-palm plantation.  The company is interested in mitigating the impacts to biological diversity and has planned to leave 25 m buffers around existing streams and wetland areas. Farah Carrasco Rueda is a PhD student in SNRE and TCD and a Peruvian national. She [...]

Two Former PhD Students are Plenary Speakers in Costa Rica

By | June 26th, 2014|biodiversity, conference, conservation, Costa Rica, tropical|

Dr. C. Daniel Cadena (Universidad de los Andes, Bogota) and Dr. Jeff Norris (UWC, Costa Rica & Natural Solutions) are both scheduled to give Plenary talks at the IV Costa Rica Ornithological Congress in San Jose (22-24 July 2014).  Daniel's talk is entitled "Por que es tan alta diversidad de aves en el norte de [...]