

Two Former PhD Students are Plenary Speakers in Costa Rica

By | June 26th, 2014|biodiversity, conference, conservation, Costa Rica, tropical|

Dr. C. Daniel Cadena (Universidad de los Andes, Bogota) and Dr. Jeff Norris (UWC, Costa Rica & Natural Solutions) are both scheduled to give Plenary talks at the IV Costa Rica Ornithological Congress in San Jose (22-24 July 2014).  Daniel's talk is entitled "Por que es tan alta diversidad de aves en el norte de [...]

SAVE Brasil wins 2014 Muriqui Award

By | May 29th, 2014|Atlantic Forests, Brazil, conservation|

Our heartfelt congratulations to the Society for the Conservation of Birds of Brazil  SAVE Brasil for winning the 2014 Muriqui  Award for their work on protecting birds and forest habitat in the highly endangered ecosystems of the Atlantic Forests of southeast Brazil.  This award is regarded as one of the most prestigious awards granted to individuals or organizations [...]